Fiat Voluntas Tua

Seven Deadly Sins (from Hadrianus Wardjito, SCJ)


<Kiriman dari romo Deken : Tx mo for reminding me >

Ini lho dosa-dosa yang mesti diakui secara kreatif:

Vatican Lists 7 New Modern Day Sins

BOSTON (WBZ) ― The Catholic Church has come out with a list of seven
new modern day sins – 1,500 years after announcing the original Seven
Deadly Sins.

The Vatican said it was time to modernize their list of mortal sins,
the most serious of sins, to fit the changing world. Traditionally,
mortal sins are those considered to break the Ten Commandments.

The new sins outlined in the Vatican’s official newspaper
L’Osservatore Romano, include:

1.Genetic modification

2. Human experimentations

3. Polluting the environment

4. Social injustice

5. Causing poverty

6. Financial gluttony

7. Taking drugs

According to the Catholic Church, a person who commits a mortal sin
risks burning in hell unless it’s absolved through confession and

The original Seven Deadly Sins, established by Pope Gregory the Great
in the 6th century, are:



3. Avarice





Contoh konkret: Seorang anak katolik mengaku dosa: “Romo selama
sebulan terakhir ini, saya membuang sampah sembarangan. Tiga hari yang
lalu, saya membuang kulit pisang dan di jalan, lalu ada sepeda montor
yang tergelincir karenanya. Orang itu mengalami banyak luka-luka dan
terpaksa hari itu dia tidak jadi bekerja. Sungguh saya sangat berdosa

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