Fiat Voluntas Tua

Melaksanakan Amanat Agung Menggunakan Media Informatika (Mgr Pujasumarta)


Saya tulis pada profile FB saya hari ini, “Johannes is celebrating the miracle of media information of today’s world to spread out the good news. God bless you always,” ( /pujasumarta?ref=profile) karena pada hari ini diselenggarakan Seminar Media oleh Asosiasi Yayasan Untuk Bangsa (AYUB).

Bandung, 26 April 2010, mulai jam 09.00 dimulai Seminar Kompartemen Media Informatika DPD AYUB Jabar, dengan tema “Melaksanakan Amanat Agung Menggunakan Media Informatika”. Seminar Media tsb diselenggarakan oleh DPD AYUB Jawa Barat. Saya diminta untuk memimpin ibadat sabda pembuka Seminar Media tersebut.

Dalam renungan saya sampaikan suatu bingkai Seminar, yaitu peristiwa penangkapan ikan dengan menebarkan jala. Peristiwa penangkapan ikan terjadi pada awal tugas, yang terjadi di danau Galilea (Lk. 5, 11), dan yang terjadi sesudah kebangkitan (Yoh. 21, 1-19). Amanat Tuhan untuk menebarkan jala, agar ikan diperoleh, tetap relevan pada zaman modern ketika perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi komunikasi menawarkan internet. Namun, berkat daya kekuatan kebangkitan kita bisa mengembangkan suatu karya pastoral berdasarkan data sehingga dapat diketahui ada seratus lima puluh tiga (153) ekor banyaknya; dan meskipun begitu ‘jala itu tidak koyak’.

Semoga hati kita terbuka pada sumbangan terbaik ilmu pengetahuan dan ilmu komunikasi zaman modern untuk ‘Melaksanakan Amanat Agung Menggunakan Media Informatika’. Salam, doa ‘n Berkat Tuhan, + J. Pujasumarta

Pope Asks Catholics to Give a Soul to the Internet Warns Against Divisive Aspect of Digital World

VATICAN CITY, APRIL 25, 2010 ( Benedict XVI is urging Catholics in equip themselves with faith as well as technology so as to add soul to Internet communications and networks. The Pope stated this Saturday in an audience in Paul VI Hall with participants in a national conference on “Digital Witnesses: Faces and Languages in the Cross-Media Age,” an initiative promoted by the Italian bishops’ conference.

“Without fear we want to set out upon the digital sea embracing the unrestricted navigation with the same passion that for 2,000 years has steered the barque of the Church,” he said. “More than with technical resources,” the Pontiff continued, “although necessary, we want to qualify ourselves dwelling in this universe too with a believing heart that contributes to giving a soul to the uninterrupted communicational flow of the Internet.” “This is our mission,” he affirmed, “the Church’s mission that she cannot renounce.” “The time in which we live is experiencing an enormous expansion of the frontiers of communication, realizing an untold convergence between different media and making interaction possible,” he noted. “Thus the Internet manifests an open vocation,” the Pope added, “with an egalitarian and pluralistic tendency. “At the same time it has dug a moat about itself,” he noted, and thus people speak about the “digital divide.”

Dangers The Holy Father explained: “It separates the included from the excluded and adds to the other discrepancies that separate nations from each other and divide them internally. “The dangers of homogenization and control, of intellectual and moral relativism, already quite evident in the bent of the critical spirit, in truth reduced to the play of opinions, in the multiple forms of the degradation and humiliation of the human person in his intimate dimension.”

Benedict XVI urged his listeners to overcome these “collective dynamics that can make us lose the perception of the depth of persons and remain at the surface,” seeing persons as “bodies without souls, objects of trade and consumption.” Citing “Caritas in Veritate,” he affirmed that “the media can become a factor in humanization not only when, thanks to technological development, it increases the possibilities of communicating information, but above all when it is geared towards a vision of the person and the common good that reflects truly universal values.”

“Dear Friends,” he said, “you are called to take on the role of animators of the community on the Internet too attentive to prepare the ways that lead to the Word of God, and to express a particular sensitivity to the disheartened and those who have a deep, unarticulated desire for enduring truth and the absolute.” The Holy Father exhorted “all media professionals not to tire of nourishing in their hearts that passion for man that draws ever closer to the languages he speaks and to his true face.” “You will be helped in this by a solid theological formation and above all a deep and joyful passion for God, fed by a constant dialogue with the Lord,” he said. Benedict XVI thanked the media workers “for the service you give to the Church and therefore to the cause of man.” “I exhort you to walk the roads of the digital continent,” he said, “animated by the courage of the Holy Spirit.”

The Pope continued: “Our confidence is not uncritically placed in any instrument of technology. “Our strength lies in being Church, believing community, able to bear witness to all the perennial newness of the Risen One, with a life that blooms in fullness in the measure that it opens up, enters into relation, gives itself gratuitously.” — — — On ZENIT’s Web page: Full text:

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