Fiat Voluntas Tua

Happy Birthday Mother Mary


Ternyata ia mengandung dari Roh Kudus

Icon of the Nativity of the Mother of God.  (Photo © Slava Gallery, LLC; used with permission.)

The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated at least by the sixth century, when St. Romanos the Melodist, an E astern Christian who composed many of the hymns used in the Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox liturgies, composed a hymn for the feast. The feast spread to Rome in the seventh century, but it was a couple more centuries before it was celebrated throughout the West.
The source for the story of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Protoevangelium of James, an apocryphal gospel written about A.D. 150. From it, we learn the names of Mary’s parents, Joachim and Anna, as well as the tradition that the couple was childless until an angel appeared to Anna and told her that she would conceive. (Many of the same details appear also in the later apocryphal Gospel of the Nativity of Mary.)
The traditional date of the feast, September 8, falls exactly nine months after the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Perhaps because of its close proximity to the feast of the Assumption of Mary, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not celebrated today with the same solemnity as the Immaculate Conception. It is, nonetheless, a very important feast, because it prepares the way for the birth of Christ. [Shirley Hadisandjaja ]

Bacaan Mat 1:18-23

“Kelahiran Yesus Kristus adalah seperti berikut: Pada waktu Maria, ibu-Nya, bertunangan dengan Yusuf, ternyata ia mengandung dari Roh Kudus, sebelum mereka hidup sebagai suami isteri. Karena Yusuf suaminya, seorang yang tulus hati dan tidak mau mencemarkan nama isterinya di muka umum, ia bermaksud menceraikannya dengan diam-diam. Tetapi ketika ia mempertimbangkan maksud itu, malaikat Tuhan nampak kepadanya dalam mimpi dan berkata: “Yusuf, anak Daud, janganlah engkau takut mengambil Maria sebagai isterimu, sebab anak yang di dalam kandungannya adalah dari Roh Kudus. Ia akan melahirkan anak laki-laki dan engkau akan menamakan Dia Yesus, karena Dialah yang akan menyelamatkan umat-Nya dari dosa mereka.” Hal itu terjadi supaya genaplah yang difirmankan Tuhan oleh nabi: “Sesungguhnya,anak dara itu akan mengandung dan melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki, dan mereka akan menamakan Dia  Imanuel”

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